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This blog on occasion addresses depression, death, suicide and other sensitive themes. Continue at your own discretion in reading the content.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Writing is Not One Size Fits All

I had the pleasure of speaking with someone about writing earlier this week.  It was nice for a change to really talk about writing.  I very rarely get the chance.

After the conversation, my mind as usual went into reflection mode and I started to pour over the many do and don't lists that I have read over the years.  I have learned that writing is customizable. Writing is not one size fits all. There are so many do this and don't do that, I think many people who want to try and write - anything - get discouraged because of all these lists. Let's face it, rules suck.  Yes, there are the basic grammar rules and all that goes with it but there is some leeway to express what goes on in our heads that drips down on to paper (or keyboard).

For the longest time I feared handing my work over to an editor because I thought they would destroy the voice of my characters and the overall feeling of my writing.  I have been lucky in not experiencing that and hope I never do.

I will be the first to admit that my grammar is horrible and even I get tripped up on where words should go in a sentence but if it comes out the way it does, that's the way it is.  It is the truth of the story.

For those of you sitting out there who have longed to take pen to paper or fingers to keyboards - DO IT!  There is no rule that says you have to share what you write.  I have written a novel every year for the past ten years and am only managing to publish my third.  Write my dear friends, write. Let the words fall where they may on the paper and enjoy the worlds they create.

Today I offer you a bit of humor from Weird Al and then a slow song from Beth Hart.

Rock on!

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