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This blog on occasion addresses depression, death, suicide and other sensitive themes. Continue at your own discretion in reading the content.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

December Ramblings

I am currently on a break from writing anything new but continue to read my ramblings from November when I participated in NaNoWriMo.  I could add more detail to what I have written and could easily break it into two books.  I don't know what will become of this particular story as I don't always turn one of my NaNoWriMo manuscripts into a book.

I have plenty of other ideas swimming in my brain and write them down in notebook I have that contains story ideas, character names, locations and other interesting things. I have been toying with the idea of creating a special book for writers but who knows.  I need to iron that idea out a bit.

In recent weeks, I have been re-introduced to the world of comic books. The last time I read a comic I was a kid and it was Wonder Woman.  I wish I still had that comic.  These days I have been reading The Crow, Bodies, Hellblazer and Suicide Risk.  I only have one or two issues of each of these but comics have certainly come a long way from when I read them as a kid.

Comics are visual stories with interesting dialogue and dilemmas. It made me wonder if I could turn one of my stories into one.  It would be an interesting project to say the least and I may just have to give it a try one day.

For now, I will enjoy the outdoors after four days of continuous snow.  It has left a nice white blanket all around. In the early morning hours when the sky has a hint of pink and purple in it, it's quite beautiful to look at.  Today, I am leaving you with Bing Crosby's version of Walking In a Winter Wonderland as your musical treat.


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